VEILS, HALOS & SHACKLES, is described as the first-ever anthology of international poetry specifically addressing the oppression and empowerment of women, includes over 250 poems by poets from dozens of countries. It includes my poem, STARING AT THE HEADLINES, about the role of allies and journalism in speaking out. The book is an important and compelling effort; see link below for more about the book, authors, and how to order:
See also an article about the book release in the INDIAN EXPRESS newspaper, from India:
Download Indian Article about Veils, Halos & Shackles Anthology
Here's a copy of my poem:
I Stare at the Headlines
Fanny in Medellin pulls the journalist off
the bullet-swept street into her kitchen.
They crouch on the floor with her children,
wait for hours till the firing moves away
and they can run for it. And you? she says,
Where you come from, isn’t it the same?
The Tiananmen Mothers in China secretly
tally the dead, keep alive the memory
of their murdered children. They whisper
to the journalist, No one asks questions.
We live in a coma, blinded by fear
and new iPods!
Mariam in the Afghan refugee camp, widowed, beaten,
teaches the women around her to make clothes,
shakes the journalist by the shoulders, says
You have language, you can write, tell them!
Last night in my dream I was speaking and writing
and speaking and writing till my fingers failed
and my tongue hung from the world’s hook
like a dead fish.
Author Commentary in book: In matters of gender and race, and all differences, it is important that those who are oppressed have strong allies who will stand side by side with them and, when they cannot speak, who will speak for them. To be the one speaking, as the oppressed, is necessary but insufficient for change to occur in the world. Allies of those oppressed must speak, too, and bear witness. My book The Jeweled Net of Indra attempts to address some of these important interconnections between us all.