Broken Bridge Review, from Pomfret, Connecticut, published three of my poems in the Vol 3, 2008 edition: Strange Calculus; Magellan's Voyage Around The World; and, Looking Forward. They are each in the short prose format I've come to love:
Strange Calculus
The blue BMW took the curve in poor geometry, a straight line, unbending, finding the hypotenuse of the parked Caltrans truck, then the orange-clad worker angling toward the stalled motorist along the roadside, intersected by what remained of the Highway Patrol officer’s black motorcycle, multiplied by the carnage of odds, the equation of benign symmetry less than zero, a negative number—the way trees go on waving in the wind past any calculus.
Magellan’s Voyage Around the World
When the last biscuit had gone, they scraped the maggots out of the casks, mashed and served them as gruel. Then made cakes out of sawdust soaked with the urine of rats. The rats themselves, as delicacies, had long since been hunted to extinction. But oh!, the wonder of that unknown world, there, on the horizon—pineapple, mangoes, hope—worth any distance, any deprivation.
Looking Forward
Her grand Papa & Nana sit at breakfast in Madison, Indiana, talk about the latest doctor visit—his pacemaker in need of recalibration—and in her eyes I see how old we seem. But in the next breath, stories of their trip to China, being carried on the backs of elephants—her eyes wide, the world a playground for those old enough to know its mysteries. After, in the parking lot, she spins in the summer rain, arms raised, tongue extended, soaking in every last drop.