I had the pleasure of delivering a talk at the 89th Annual Ina Coolbrith Circle National Poetry Day Banquet on November 1, 2008 in Orinda, California (just east of Berkeley). Given my dual roles as therapist and poet, as well as long-time interest in things spiritual, I was asked to talk about the relationship between suffering and poetry. It is entitled: A Crack Between Two Worlds: Poetry and the Art of Suffering. It includes several poems of mine; if you click on the link below, it will take you to a copy of the talk:
Download Orinda Key Note 2008 by Dane Cervine
Ina Coolbrith was an early Poet Laureate of California who found poetry late in life. The first meeting of her literary circle was held at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco in the autumn of 1919, and has been meeting regularly since then (located now east of Oakland/Berkeley in Orinda California).