Dane Cervine is a Poet, Zen practitioner, and Therapist who lives in Santa Cruz, California along the Monterey Bay coast. Explore this website for his poetry, essays, published books, anthology & video selections, including free samples of his work.
Contact Dane at [email protected] .
View Dane's POETS & WRITERS directory for an author profile:
Visit his THERAPY web-site at:
https://danecervine.typepad.com/therapy/ for information about his psycho-therapy practice.
For other experimental writing, including Zen essays and alternative memoir, explore Dane Cervine's collection of work at his Amazon author page:
Sixteen Rivers Press is publishing my new book of prose poems, The World Is God's Language (2021), the title for which references a quote from the philosopher, mystic, and activist Simone Weil. You can view and purchase the book on the Sixteen Rivers Press website here: https://sixteenrivers.org/
A link to the press' author/book page is here: https://sixteenrivers.org/authors/dane-cervine/
Main Street Rag has published Dane Cervine's latest book of poems, Earth Is a Fickle Dancer, in 2019. It includes a wide range of poems, organized into "hemispheres" of style and tone. You can review sample poems on the Main Street Rag website: http://mainstreetragbookstore.com/product/earth-is-a-fickle-dancer-dane-cervine/
Saddle Road Press (Hawaii) published Dane's new cross-genre book entitled The Gateless Gate - Polishing the Moon Sword in 2018. It's an innovative work, including the poet's contemporary poetic responses to the traditional 48 Zen koans of "The Gateless Gate" - combined with a series of short prose poems in response to traditional Japanese folk tales in the book's second section, "Polishing the Moon Sword". Here is the publisher's website, with links to online bookstores where it can be ordered:
KUNG FU OF THE DARK FATHER, was published by Plain View Press in 2016. This book can be ordered from Amazon at: Kung Fu of the Dark Father @ Amazon .
Larger orders can be made at the publisher's website: Kung Fu of the Dark Father, @ Plain View Press
HOW THERAPISTS DANCE was published by Plain View Press (2013), and includes a number of the poems first published in The SUN Magazine. You can order from Amazon at How Therapists Dance or inquire of the publisher at: HOW THERAPISTS DANCE from Plain View Press for larger orders.
Adrienne Rich chose Dane's poem The Jeweled Net Of Indra as the winner of a 2005 National Writers Union contest, as well as his poem Holography for Honorable Mention. She comments that each has a fine sense both of language and the inter-connectedness of human lives that for me is at the heart of poetry.
Dane's book THE JEWELED NET OF INDRA was released in 2007 by Plain View Press, and can be purchased at Amazon: Jeweled Net of Indra @ Amazon , or inquire of the publisher for larger orders at: Plain View Press link to Jeweled Net of Indra
For a video of the author reading this poem, follow this You Tube link: Dane Reading JEWELED NET
Tony Hoagland chose Dane's poem Accordions & Shotguns as a finalist for the 2005 Wabash Prize for Poetry. Commenting on Dane's poem, Tony says: The sheer volume of information in this poem is impressive--which is to say that all that story is fluently delivered to the reader--but it is really the passion and precision of the final stanza that earns my full attention.
Dane's work has appeared in The Hudson Review, The Sun Magazine, the Atlanta Review, CATAMARAN Literary Reader, Sycamore Review, among others--with over 200 of his poems published in a variety of journals, magazines and anthologies. His poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize; won a National Writers Union Award; twice been a finalist for and then winning the Atlanta Review's International Poetry Contest; as well as taking Second Place in CAESURA's Poetry Contest, and the Morton Marcus Poetry Contest.
The poet Jane Hirshfield comments that Dane's poems are clear-struck bells.
Dane published his first book through Xlibris Press, entitled What A Father Dreams: Poems of Family, Love, & Aging. It can be purchased through Amazon.com at: What a Father Dreams @ Amazon ; from the publisher at: WHAT A FATHER DREAMS ; or from the author at [email protected]